Kamis, 19 November 2009
apply for finace staff
South jakarta
15 october 2009
The personal manager
PT. Meteorcoating
Jakarta 16423
dear sir,
I have read your advertisement in "kompas" of monday 10 october 2009. I would like to apply for the position of finance staff in your company.
a am 25 years of age. Female and i have just grduated from accounting study program faculty of universitas of Gunadarma.i have the ability in using english language oral and written and in operating computer ms office. I am working hard and willing to learn, Iam confidence, iam soul beside that i have 1 year working experience on Bank BCA as teller.
Thank you for your attention and your fully consideration of my application wouldbe greatly and a personal space for each in your company.
Yours faithfully,
Irma mutiarani
invitation for art gallery
JL. Sudirman Blok A6/4, west jakarta
TELP 021-7774444 FAX 021-7773333
30 october 2009
Your reff : 00003
Our reff :
ms, intan puspita
Kemang street no 13
South jakarta
dear ms. puspita
Comittee Art of goods and material legal and organizational Indonesia SETJEN culture will proud and loud The art Gallery from Bengkulu.
The gallery will be held on Sunday 1 november 2009 start from 09. am until 19.00
at JAkarta fair Kemayoran.
We hope you can came and thank u for your attention and your fully consideration.
we should remind dont come late for the event.
Yours sincerally,
Irma mutiarani
The director
Selasa, 17 November 2009
Setiabudi street no 31,south jakarta
telp 021-7715148 fax 021-7715147
TO : Personal manager
from : Director
Subject : Arrange interview for theposition of internal auditor
date : 12 october 2009
For the position I would like you to arrange interview of 10 applicants who have applied for the position of internal auditor.
The company wiil recuit 2 applicants which have high capabilities for the position. Please you confirm the interview will be held on monday 12 october 2009 start from 10 am at conference room 2 nd floor of the company building.
Remember its;all for a good cause we really need.thank you for your attention.
letter of business complaint
Your reff : 0002
our reff :
The secretary, the ajax electrical ltd
fernhall drive redbridge essex 1645
10 november 2005,
L pick up & co. LTD
Queen's rend oldhan
ol42ax, England
Complaint for order number 4599
dear miss watsons,
We receive today the electric light fittings we ordered from you on 25 may (order no 4599). three of the creates reached us in prefect condition. But on unpacking the fourth we found a large number of brekage. As the fittings appear to have been carefully packed. It would sseem that the breakage have been caused by rough handing in transit.
We enclose a list of the damaged fittings and shall be glad if you will take the matter up with the railway authorities. Replacements will of course be neened and we hope you can arrange for these to be sent within the next few days.
Yours sincerally,
miss Watson
for the secretary
letter of business job application
Jalan Minangkabau 159
Sindang Laut, Cirebon
your reff : 00011
our reff :
the dean of cultural sicences faculty
Universitas Indonesia
Kampus Baru Depok 16418
Dear sir,
With reference to your advertisement in " The Jakarta Post" of saturday 27 November. I would like to apply for the english language lectures in your organization.
i am 27 years old of age, male and have just graduated from the cultural sciencies faculty of university of Gajahmada with a very satisfactory grade average. I have the ability in using french both oral and writeen and in operating computer for some programs related to the language works. am willing to learn and work hard i have my 2 years working experince in the same field.
Enclosed you will find my photograps and curicilum vitae the dean of cultural sciences faculty of udayana has kindly agreed to send information about me if you require it. thank you for your attention,and your fully consideration of my application would be greattly apreciate.
yours faithfully,
Jumat, 13 November 2009
labour n capital
Human labour produces both goods and service. the activities of a farm worker and a nurse are very different, but each is measurable in terms of payment received. if however a farmer is self employed and does not receive a fixed wage from anyone else, he is in a different category from the nurse and from his own farm workers. his activities are not whoolly labour. his workers receive thier wages but he receives whatever surplus emerges from his farming. This surplus like any surplus in industry or commerce, is what we usually call "profit"
Employers obtain thier net profits only after they have paid all expenses arising out of their business activity. The surplus is not usually available only for employers and their families. Normally part of it goes to those who have provided the initial capital needed to start business. such business may fail. Both those who provide the capital and those who run the business agree to bear any risk. if the business successful the risk taking has been justified, and invested capital earns part of the profits as a return on the invesement and the period during which the capital was at risk.
Capital in this instance is simply the accumulation of previous surpluses on previous business activities. in this way the past is used to finance the future. The accumulation of capital is almost always deliberate, either on the part of individual citizens or on the part of the state. even in non capitalistic societes a certain part of the surplus achieved in any enterprise is "plough back" into the system in order promote further growth
the part of advertising campaign
letter of enquiry : a letter is sent to ask for information abaout good and service
information can be asked : price, quality( raw marerial,discount) method of payment, guarantee, method of delivery, goods an approval, sample, patern, demonstration,price list,catalouge
body of letter
opening : you have read the adv. you are interested to have further information about
the product
content : see at the right and
clossing : you thank for the attention and look forward to receive reply, n you
negoigate use conditional clause ( if clause)
setiabudi street no 31,south jakarta
telp 021-7777777,fax 021-7777778
To : personal manager
From : Director
Subject : Arrangew interview
Date : 12 october 2009
The company wiil recuit 2 applicants which have high capabilities for the position. Please tou confirm the interview will be held on monday , 12 october 2009. Start from 10.am at conference room 2 nd floor the company building.
Remember its all for a good cause we really need. thanks for your attention.